Products to Maximize Your Farm Profits
Red Barn Enterprises builds cropping plans and profit strategies using the fastest growing technology and most trusted brands in the nation.
Premium Corn Seed
The best way to maximize yield is with an advanced seed portfolio that provides you access to a wider range of the industry’s latest genetics, traits, and highest-quality seed.
Milo Seed
Providing you with Sorghum Partners® and Golden Acres®, high-quality, performance-proven sorghum seed that utilizes the best drought, insect, and herbicide protection for optimum field performance.
A Better Nitrogen
Supplying you with the newest, agricultural technology innovation to harness the power of microbes to enhance crop nutrition and reduce reliance on synthetic nitrogen.
Custom Crop Planning
Follow a detailed, customized cropping plan to improve yield, boost profits, and secure your farm’s future with our Max Yield System designed to help you make better decisions about your crops management.