Most people have some level of life insurance coverage. Among all of the benefits to the heirs that come with a life insurance policy, there’s one major benefit to the person for which the policy is written. That is, it gives the owner the peace of mind knowing the survivors won’t have to worry about final expenses that could impact their lives once the owner dies. That’s the reason almost every owner of a life insurance policy is willing to pay money for the only benefit they will realize while they’re still alive, peace of mind.
Create a Cropping Plan for Peace of Mind
I compare following a system to produce a top crop equivalent to taking out a life insurance policy on the crop. The benefits are not always visible but they’re always there and they’re real, largely in the form of peace of mind.

Consider for example that one of the elements in your corn production system is to apply fungicide at the V6 stage of growth. When the crop hits V6, let’s say for example that it looks really good and has no visible signs of disease. At that point many growers would like to cancel the life insurance policy on that crop by forgoing the application of fungicide, so they can save money. They believe the crop will be fine without, which is like believing you won’t die so you don’t need life insurance.
Other farmers in the same situation who know the importance following a system, keep the life insurance policy on the crop intact and apply the fungicide. They know the purpose of fungicides is to protect all plant function inside the entire plant to protect yield, not just to control disease. A Cropping Plan is a system; it is the life insurance policy on the crop and includes all of the elements needed to protect the crop at all costs, which in turn maximizes yield and profit. Growers who follow a system to produce a crop have the greatest chances of maximizing yields. A well-developed cropping plan gives them the peace of mind that no matter what the obstacle, they will produce the highest yield possible. A systems approach to crop planning also delivers to the grower, like a life insurance policy, peace of mind.
Contact us today & ask about our Max Yield System©, so you can always plan ahead and have a cropping plan!
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